What did you do for your preparedness this week? (2015/08/15)


(The winds are blowing…)

Based on our recent poll question, “If you are preparedness-minded, a prepper of sorts, what is your age group?”, evidently the age demographics of those who are into preparedness is fairly wide (which is a good thing) although most are those aged 40 and over. After nearly 1000 respondents, the breakdown (so far) is as follows:

(5%) under 30
(13%) 30 – 39
(23%) 40 – 49
(28%) 50 – 59
(25%) 60 – 69
(6%) 70+

If you’re one of them, what did you do for your preparedness this week?

This post is open-forum. Ask questions of others, voice your opinion regarding current events, prepping, and/or whatever ‘floats your boat’ today…

Here’s a question I have for you…
Given that September is right around the corner, and given what has been happening in world markets lately (including China’s implosion and currency devaluation which is ongoing), and given the currency wars that are now clearly underway, and given the many warnings and predictions for this Fall’s collapse, have you been preparing more-so of late with a renewed sense of urgency?

Okay the floor is yours…



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