Fermented food – the words bring up images of sauerkraut and kimchi along with other pungent morsels. But if you haven’t given it much more thought than that – well, perhaps you should.
Fermentation is not only a great way to preserve food without the use of canning pots and freezers, but it’s also loaded with additional benefits that other forms of preservation just don’t give you.
What is fermentation?
Fruits and vegetables naturally carry a beneficial bacteria known as lactobacilli – one of the same types that is found in cultured dairy products such as yogurt. Fermentation occurs when you submerge a fruit or vegetable in brine; the lactobacilli will then begin to eat the natural sugar and essentially convert it into alcohol. And while the good bacteria are growing in number, they’re inhibiting putrefying bacteria that would otherwise cause the food to rot. The number of helpful bacteria will increase and they will produce enzymes as well as other substances which have antibiotic and anti-carcinogenic properties.
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It is a process that has been used since ancient times by many cultures. The Ancient Greeks understood that an important chemical change took place during lacto-fermentation. They called it “alchemy.”
What are the benefits of fermented food?
Perhaps the biggest benefit of consuming fermented food is its ability to boost your immune system. It is estimated that somewhere between 80-90 percent of your immune function happens in your gut. When your intestines are overrun with “bad” bacteria, you get sick. Adding a few spoonfuls of sauerkraut to your sandwich is like sending a small army of good bacteria to fight off the bad.
The bacteria from lacto-fermentation also helps to aid in digestion and may even help you to absorb certain nutrients more easily.
Finally, it is the only form of preservation that not only does not destroy certain nutrients, but it actually increases some. It is food that is high in digestive enzymes, B vitamins, omega 3s as well as lactase and lactic acid which fend of harmful bacteria.
And good health is not the only benefit – these foods are also incredibly easy on your pocketbook. Not only are fermented foods inexpensive, but they’re very easy to make yourself. When you find that you’ve got more cabbage (or just about any other veggie) than your family is going to eat fresh, it’s a simple matter to ferment it yourself.
Purchasing fermented foods
While making fermented foods is an easy do-it-yourself project, there may be times when you’ll want to buy it from your local grocery store.
If you’re going to go for the store-bought variety, select something from the refrigerated section. Fermented food is full of living organisms that need to be kept cool in order to stay alive. Make sure the label does not say “pasteurized.” This would mean that it has been heated and all those wonderful bacteria have been killed.
Also, if purchasing a fermented soy product such a miso, tempeh or soy sauce, consider looking for one with an “organic” or “non-GMO verified” label, as soy is one of the worst offenders for being genetically modified.
Making your own fermented foods
If you’ve never made your own fermented foods before, it is worth giving a try. It is perhaps the easiest method of preservation and it does not require any special equipment. Beets, radishes, green beans and onions all work well. But if this is your very first time, try starting by making sauerkraut as it’s the easiest.
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To make your own sauerkraut, simply wash and shred your cabbage and put it into a sealable container such as a mason jar (use a bigger one than you think you’ll need as it might bubble over during the fermentation process if you don’t). Now cover with salt. That’s it! The salt will draw out the water in the cabbage and combine with it to form a brine. You may need to put some type of weight on the cabbage in order to keep it submerged.
Now keep your jar at a cool temperature – either in a cold cellar or in the refrigerator. The fermentation process will take about three days for a quart-sized jar. You’ll know when it’s ready by tasting it every couple of days. You’ll probably see some bubbles and a substance that looks like a white foam or scum, but this is normal and it can be skimmed off. If any cabbage becomes exposed to the air it could get some mold, but this will not ruin the submerged cabbage in any way. Simply remove any moldy bits and enjoy your creation on a sausage, sandwich or all on its own.
There are so many reasons why you should incorporate fermented foods into your diet. It’s healthy, inexpensive and a great method of preservation. It’s also super easy to do yourself. Why not get started by making your own batch of sauerkraut today? From there, experiment with other vegetables and enjoy all of the benefits that these foods have to offer.
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