Oct 04

Primitive Survival Skills: Foraging for Food and Water


Foraging for food is one of the most vital survival skills anyone can learn. No matter where you are, whether you bug out intentionally or get stranded in the wilderness, you’ll need to eat at some point. Your bug out … Continue reading

Aug 13

Ten Principles of Preparedness: #6 Fuel

Yes, I’m an airhead sometimes.  There have been times in which our power has gone out and so I tell myself “Oh well. Since the power’s out I might as well watch some television to pass the time until it … Continue reading

Aug 04

Using sunlight to purify drinking water SODIS

SODIS When all else fails look to the sun. Sunlight may be used to decontaminate water via solar water disinfection (SODIS) by using the sun’s ultraviolet emissions to kill waterborne microorganisms and is currently practiced in many third world countries. … Continue reading

Jul 07

37 Awesome Survival/Prepping Hacks

Many people think that if they just have this one tool, or the right gun, or a super-secret hide out, they can survive anything. They are wrong. The thing about survival, whether it means walking 100 miles through the Amazon … Continue reading

Jul 07

Extreme Survival: Are Your Off-Grid Survival Skills Good Enough?

also with content from David M. The will to survive is encoded in our genetic structure. When you’re faced with a situation where you must catch what food you can to stay alive, where you must rely on the elements … Continue reading

Jun 16

How To Re-Mineralize Water For Drinking

The debate about the health benefits of purified versus distilled water is a hot one. There are those who claim that they feel tons better since switching to distilled water and there are those that claim that distilled water is … Continue reading

May 12

Prep Blog Review: Water Threats And Solutions

You might survive some time with little or no food, but you can’t say the same thing about water. It’s only 3 days and that’s it for you! That’s why water plays a crucial part in any survival plan and … Continue reading

May 05

Easy Home Cures For 15 Types Of Pain

Some things are annoying or painful but don’t necessarily warrant a trip to the doctor’s office. It could also be that, because of some disaster caused by man or nature, you CAN’T get to a doctor. In either case, home … Continue reading

Apr 27

5 Simple Steps To Self-Sufficiency This Year

In a world of increasing instability, the world of self-sustainable living starts to look less like something out of an M. Night Shyamalan movie and more like something every person can and should be striving for. Now, don’t worry. This … Continue reading