Jun 05

How to Prepare for Allergic Reactions When the Grid Goes Down

According to the CDC the prevalence of food and skin allergies has increased at an alarming rate in children under the age of 18 from the year 1997 to 2011. Additionally, they say that Allergic conditions are the most common … Continue reading

Jan 07

Surviving Norovirus in Austere Conditions

Preventing and Treating Norovirus Norovirus (“stomach flu”) is one of the most infectious viruses around. It takes fewer than 20 virus particles to infect someone, so each droplet of vomit has enough virus to infect over 100,000 people. In the … Continue reading

Nov 27

Are You Ready Series: Nuclear Disaster Preparedness

Since the dawn of nuclear weapons, we have always been weary of a trigger happy world leader hastily pushing a nuke detonator. However, according to history the two worst nuclear events that have occurred were accidental. Chernobyl, being the first … Continue reading