Apr 23

It’s High Storm Season – Let’s Get Prepped!

High storm season usually comes around spring in most areas of the country, and we are constantly being warned that tornados can come at any time on any day. While it is true that high storm season usually takes place … Continue reading

Feb 05

This Is What a Real-Life Economic Collapse Looks Like

Did you ever think about what your life would be like if the stores were closed? I’m not talking about a post-apocalyptic Mad Max scenario or a winter storm that clears the shelves. I’m talking about a long-term disruption of … Continue reading

Jan 06

FEMA Warns: 130 Million Without Electricity For YEARS Following Solar Storm

A massive magnetic solar storm could knock out much of the US electrical grid and leave 130 million people in the dark, a report from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) concludes. The Federal Interagency Response Plan – Space Weather … Continue reading