There are several companies coming out with new ways to live and work greener. Now you can travel greener, too, without having to change cars. With just 17 watts of solar energy mounted to your car, you can travel just … Continue reading
There are several companies coming out with new ways to live and work greener. Now you can travel greener, too, without having to change cars. With just 17 watts of solar energy mounted to your car, you can travel just … Continue reading
So, you’ve thought about whether or not living off the grid is right for you; you know that it means no more utility bills and generating all of your own power, but what’s involved in that? It isn’t as easy … Continue reading
A new study finds that real-time data doesn’t always uncover issues with PV systems. As Brewster McCracken and his team at Pecan Street Research Institute were gathering solar photovoltaic data from houses in their ongoing research, they were surprised by … Continue reading
Our country’s way of life and most people aren’t prepared to survive when an EMP will cripple the entire U.S. power grid and kill electric equipment in the entire country. Protecting your solar gear makes the big step ahead to … Continue reading
Imagine not having any electricity for days, weeks, months or even years… no lights, no communication channels, no water, no refrigeration, no navigation systems, no gas pumping, no food transportation, no waste pumping or garbage collecting. This is the potentially … Continue reading