Aug 13

Ten Principles of Preparedness: #6 Fuel

Yes, I’m an airhead sometimes.  There have been times in which our power has gone out and so I tell myself “Oh well. Since the power’s out I might as well watch some television to pass the time until it … Continue reading

Aug 05

Financially Prepped: The Importance of an Emergency Fund

SHTF events come in many different flavors.  While most of us think of things like natural disasters, economic collapse and pandemics, many occurrences are much more mundane.  They are those small personal disasters that can hit any of us, at … Continue reading

Mar 08

Here Are 6 Reasons A Survival Food Pantry Can Fail You When You Need It Most

Imagine waking up one day to turn on the news and find out that China has decided to no longer let us borrow any more money from them. In an instant, you’ll see our markets crumble and all of the … Continue reading

Mar 04

How Prepared Are You?

The Prepping Community’s most active discussion revolves around preparing for disasters. Not that disasters or zombies are our only focus. The broader topic of prepping involves a lot of discussion and debate on various subjects. At the end of the … Continue reading

Jan 26

Prep Blog Review: Are Your Bushcraft Skills Up To The Challenge?

When SHTF you either bug in or bug out, and if you choose the latter, well you’re probably find yourself somewhere in the wilderness with very little resources available. This week we’ve stumbled upon some great reads that will improve … Continue reading

Dec 27

How can Bulletproof Vests Help Preppers Stay Protected this Winter?

Imagine a world in which you are unable to sleep soundly in your bed at night. Imagine those rough men are gone, perhaps they are too far away, or are no longer able or willing to visit violence on your … Continue reading

Dec 09

Houston – We Have a Problem

Set the stage: The $hit has hit the fan. The dollar has collapsed and is now worth half what it was just 6 months ago. The reasons for the collapse are not relevant any more. Most people don’t understand why … Continue reading