The Poor Man Prepper

I am so sick and tired of a large majority of these stories always talking about all these real nice things people have for Bugging out. Oh look at our All terrain 4X4 Super Duty Extended Cab 8ft bed Jacked … Continue reading
I am so sick and tired of a large majority of these stories always talking about all these real nice things people have for Bugging out. Oh look at our All terrain 4X4 Super Duty Extended Cab 8ft bed Jacked … Continue reading
Prepping for a large majority of us involves analyzing the risks we see inherent with situations we could be faced with and taking steps to mitigate those risks. For a lot of … Continue reading
The “green” movement can cover a lot of our preparedness interests and purchasing habits, providing a degree of OpSec and cover for us. Conservationist and environmentalist are commonly bad words in some preparedness folds, but as a professional greenie myself … Continue reading
The golden horde The golden horde theory has been portrayed for years by survival authors, bloggers and fiction writers, but will the golden horde of hopeless refugees swarm like hundreds of thousands of locust from the cities to the countryside after an … Continue reading
Every weekend, I drive with one of my children to run errands and my route takes me past the same house (not the house in the picture above). I know it is coming before I get there and try as … Continue reading
There are so many thoughts and beliefs around what our own personal TEOTWAWKI reality will look like. Every prepper I talk to about any subject has their own take on what will happen, when it will happen, how bad it … Continue reading
If you’re preparing for a catastrophic event in the future, then you will need to know several survival skills for the benefit of you and your family. A total collapse in society often occurs in areas of extreme disaster such … Continue reading
Leadership is a strange thing. Many people throughout history have become reluctant, yet legendary leaders while others have been technically in a leadership position, but the results of their command were far from stellar. Several of the later type come … Continue reading
Many of us made the stark realization of just how dependent we are on our modern conveniences quickly following a disaster. It seems that only when the lights go out and the stove won’t turn on, or the air conditioner … Continue reading
I’m sure many of you remember when armed “nuisance abatement teams” from Los Angeles County, descended upon the independent minded folks who were living in the desert outskirts of the city. For the “crime” of living off the grid and … Continue reading
In a long-lived emergency, our food stores can quickly be depleted. If this occurs, we must rely on our knowledge of native food sources growing wild in our area. One such wild edible is found in great abundance in many parts … Continue reading
It’s a fact that energy makes our lives far more comfortable and in some cases, even safer. Preppers who are able to have a reliable source of energy during and after an unexpected event, will fare much better than those … Continue reading
Part of preparing is acquiring adequate supplies to survive an emergency, but an equally important part is making the most of the supplies you already have. Every day we throw away valuable supplies that could be critical in an emergency; … Continue reading