Oct 26

The Easy Way To Canning Meat Off Grid

Though there are many different methods of preparing meat for long-term storage, without a doubt, canning it is the easiest way to store large quantities of it in a manner that gives you an almost eternal shelf life. Canning meat … Continue reading

Feb 09

Survival Skills to Learn from the Indian Tribes

Native Americans are, perhaps, the best example on the planet of a people who lived solely off the land while protecting it for future generations. They held the belief that we don’t own the land; we are simply borrowing it … Continue reading

Jan 15

Curing Meat By Dry Salting Or With A Salt Brine

Using salt for preserving (curing) meat has been a big part of food preservation seemingly forever and the technique is still used today. Dry salting or using a salt brine would be one way to preserve meat while living in … Continue reading