Aug 13

Ten Principles of Preparedness: #6 Fuel

Yes, I’m an airhead sometimes.  There have been times in which our power has gone out and so I tell myself “Oh well. Since the power’s out I might as well watch some television to pass the time until it … Continue reading

May 10

10 Real Health Conspiracy Theories

Do you believe in any health conspiracy theories?  Do you believe that there are “natural cures” for diseases that the medical establishment is not telling you about?  Do you believe that vaccines, cell phones or the fluoride in the water … Continue reading

Mar 16

The Hidden Health Benefits Of Leafy Greens

Before we get into a discussion about why you should eat more greens, it is important to define just what greens really are. Things like chard, lettuce, mustard, parsley, spinach, beet greens, arugula, endive, baby greens, beet greens and collards … Continue reading

Feb 05

Keep Your Health Costs Under Control! 7 Ways To Do It

Everyone knows that Obamacare has been a disaster for the country. Oh, it’s helped out the poor, adding several million more people to the Medicaid rolls, but it’s done so at the cost of devastating healthcare for the middle class. … Continue reading

Feb 02

This is The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever – Kills Any Infections in The Body

The basic formula of this powerful tonic dates back to medieval Europe, that is, from the era when people suffered from all sorts of diseases and epidemics. This master cleansing tonic is actually an antibiotic that kills gram-positive and gram-negative … Continue reading

Jan 30

Why It’s The Perfect Time To Try A Local And Organic Diet

Health seems to be on a general decrease in North America. Each year we’re swarmed by statistics of the high obesity rates, increasing incidents of high cholesterol, and poor cardiovascular health. But what on earth is going wrong? As the … Continue reading

Dec 20

Colloidal Silver in Emergency Preparedness

Silver in all forms has been employed by mankind for its antiseptic qualities over millennia. The Greeks and Romans used a silver coin to purify bad water and to preserve milk and wine. In later times, a silver coin was … Continue reading

Nov 27

Health Care Workers Will Most Likely be the Source of the Next Pandemic

Having an internationally recognised qualification that enables you to work in foreign countries has long been a way for medical staff to travel the world, able to support themselves whilst they do so. It’s ironic then, that the source of … Continue reading