Jul 08

Privacy Apocalypse On Going: “We Know Where You Live!”

Most of the preppers were thinking they finally are getting a leg up on being ready for the imminent concerns with our dangerously fragile economy, and everything else. But the incredibly grim news is that all the preparation will mean … Continue reading

Jun 16

Warning Signs of Anarchy – Do You See it Coming?

The word “anarchy” dredges up images of third-world countries, overrun by rival warlords battling for control. Yet anarchy can mean a number of different things. By definition, civil war is a form of anarchy; because any society in anarchy is … Continue reading

Apr 30

Why the Government is so Afraid of the Self-Reliant

I’m sure many of you remember when armed “nuisance abatement teams” from Los Angeles County, descended upon the independent minded folks who were living in the desert outskirts of the city. For the “crime” of living off the grid and … Continue reading

Dec 09

The Forecaster: Can This Computer Predict The Future? (The Government Certainly Thinks So)

For nearly ten years economic forecaster Martin Armstrong sat in a federal prison. He had not be charged with any crime. He was never given a trial. They simply arrested him, seized his life’s work, and threw away the key. … Continue reading