Jun 09

The Federal Reserve Is Pushing the Economy To “The Verge of Final Implosion”

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at his Alt-Market.com website. Editor’s Comment: By design, America is going down. But the nation’s dumbed-down population is slow to catch on to the subtle mechanisms of control that have … Continue reading

Feb 08

Global Economy “Trapped in Death Spiral” According to Wall Street Bank

The day is finally here: the economic collapse is admitted. There have been plenty of people warning of the perils ahead in the financial world. Of the inevitable crash of the system, and the terribly unstable factors that were coming … Continue reading

Aug 07

The Prepper’s Economic Paradox

Those of us paying attention clearly see that the global economy is at best rapidly changing, and more realistically, is rapidly disintegrating. There is a significant probability that we are headed for some degree or some form of economic collapse, … Continue reading