Mar 17

Is Prepping Possible If You’re Poor??

There is so much advice on the internet on how to get started on preps for the newly awakened prepper, that it can become overwhelming. Much of the advice is to go out and buy large amounts of food. However, … Continue reading

Jan 30

Why It’s The Perfect Time To Try A Local And Organic Diet

Health seems to be on a general decrease in North America. Each year we’re swarmed by statistics of the high obesity rates, increasing incidents of high cholesterol, and poor cardiovascular health. But what on earth is going wrong? As the … Continue reading

Dec 27

7 Prepper Food Storage Mistakes

1 – VARIETY Most people don’t have enough variety in their storage. 95% of the people I’ve worked with only stored the 4 basic items we mentioned earlier: wheat, milk, honey, and salt. Statistics show most of us won’t survive … Continue reading

Dec 17

Top 10 Foods to Stock Up On Now

We live in a world that is full of uncertainty and risks. With recent severe storm and tornadoes hitting the U.S., wars going on in the Middle East, virus spreading in West Africa, and volcanic eruptions happening in different countries, … Continue reading