Nov 10

How the Perfect Prepper Plans Still Go Wrong

When a disaster strikes unexpectedly, there’s nearly always some kind of monkey wrench that causes your well-thought-out prepper plans to work less effectively than expected.  When describing the situation, the person says sheepishly, “Normally we wouldn’t have had X circumstance going … Continue reading

Nov 09

6 Things To Consider When Bugging In With Pets

If you thought bugging in with children was more complicated than expected, you may be surprised to find a whole new host of challenges presented by bugging in with pets. While you don’t necessarily have to worry about them trying … Continue reading

Nov 07

What to Do If You Lose Power and Heat

Losing power at anytime can create serious disruptions in your everyday life, however, when it is cold out it not only creates disruptions it can become deadly. Ideally, you are prepared for disruptions in cold weather, and have paid particular … Continue reading

Oct 28

13 Common Sense Items you Need in a Winter Vehicle Emergency Kit

As I type this, an “arctic air invasion” is pushing its way south to us in Texas, leaving much of the country feeling as cold as a mid-winter’s day. While I’m sitting here thinking of the precautions and preparations I’ll take … Continue reading

Oct 25

Preparing Your Children for Family Separation in Emergencies

Unwanted as they may be, emergencies do occur and they are never planned. Amid the chaos that reigns during a natural, technological and even human-caused disaster, there’s a high chance that families become separated. While adults may deal with such … Continue reading

Aug 25

The Prepper’s Disaster Communications Plan…

You are at home waiting on the cable guy on a drizzly Monday morning. You relax in the quiet house since your spouse is at work, older kid away at college and younger kid in school. You settle in with … Continue reading

Aug 20

DIY Projects You Can Start Now To Survive Later

Preparing for a potential SHTF scenario can often seem like a monumental task. But getting reasonably well-prepared doesn’t have to be an enormous undertaking, nor does it have to be expensive. In fact, there are some great DIY preps that … Continue reading

Jul 07

14 Survival Tools for Your Bug Out Bag

Most people new to the survival and prepping community often face one of two challenges in building their first bug out bag; they either try to pack far too much equipment and end up with a bag they can’t carry, … Continue reading

Jul 07

37 Awesome Survival/Prepping Hacks

Many people think that if they just have this one tool, or the right gun, or a super-secret hide out, they can survive anything. They are wrong. The thing about survival, whether it means walking 100 miles through the Amazon … Continue reading

Jul 07

Extreme Survival: Are Your Off-Grid Survival Skills Good Enough?

also with content from David M. The will to survive is encoded in our genetic structure. When you’re faced with a situation where you must catch what food you can to stay alive, where you must rely on the elements … Continue reading