Jun 05

How to Prepare for Allergic Reactions When the Grid Goes Down

According to the CDC the prevalence of food and skin allergies has increased at an alarming rate in children under the age of 18 from the year 1997 to 2011. Additionally, they say that Allergic conditions are the most common … Continue reading

Mar 12

High Salt Diet Protects Against Infection, Increases Immune Function

The dietary tides are once again turning for salt. You may remember a landmark JAMA study in 2011 that showed that contrary to what the medical community espoused for years – salt actually lengthens your life; it doesn’t cut your … Continue reading

Feb 05

Keep Your Health Costs Under Control! 7 Ways To Do It

Everyone knows that Obamacare has been a disaster for the country. Oh, it’s helped out the poor, adding several million more people to the Medicaid rolls, but it’s done so at the cost of devastating healthcare for the middle class. … Continue reading