Feb 05

Keep Your Health Costs Under Control! 7 Ways To Do It

Everyone knows that Obamacare has been a disaster for the country. Oh, it’s helped out the poor, adding several million more people to the Medicaid rolls, but it’s done so at the cost of devastating healthcare for the middle class. … Continue reading

Jan 06

FEMA Warns: 130 Million Without Electricity For YEARS Following Solar Storm

A massive magnetic solar storm could knock out much of the US electrical grid and leave 130 million people in the dark, a report from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) concludes. The Federal Interagency Response Plan – Space Weather … Continue reading

Dec 13

DHS: 100 Million Americans Could Lose Power in Major Sun Storm

Document says FEMA unsure of damage to grid from magnetic storm Millions of Americans face catastrophic loss of electrical power during a future magnetic space storm that will disrupt the electric grid and cause cascading infrastructure failures, according to a … Continue reading