Mar 20

Going “Green” Instead of Being A “Prepper”

The “green” movement can cover a lot of our preparedness interests and purchasing habits, providing a degree of OpSec and cover for us. Conservationist and environmentalist are commonly bad words in some preparedness folds, but as a professional greenie myself … Continue reading

Jul 08

Top 5 Bug Out Locations In The US

Bugging out, or getting the heck out of Dodge when calamity strikes, is a tricky matter. There are several different factors that you need to consider when choosing your spot including accessibility, vulnerability, resources and your ability to get there. … Continue reading

Jun 16

What Is Your Best Choice For A Bug-Out Vehicle?

You’ve probably seen it too—dozens or even hundreds of pictures of the “ideal” bug-out vehicle. They are almost always heavy-duty 4×4 trucks, equipped with grille guards, extra lights, jacked-up suspensions and enough attitude to drive right over anyone else that … Continue reading