Steve Quayle Alert
Original Writing: May 25, 2015
Update/Release: June 08, 2015
Memorandum To: Concerned Parties
From: John Moore
In Re: Jade Helm 15
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In the alternative media, there has been a lot of concern over the goals and intent of the 2015 U.S. Military Exercise: Jade Helm 15.
There have been occasional reports (none I’ve previously seen backed by any demonstrable evidence) that the real reason for Jade Helm 15 is connected to Planet X, (Wormwood, Niburu). Up until I received the following report, these previous ones I regarded as background chatter. As a side note: working in U.S. Military Intelligence the Fall of 1967, in the Republic of Vietnam, we had “background chatter” about a pending massive enemy attack to take place during the 1968 Chinese Lunar New Year celebration called “Tet”. I learned the hard way to pay attention to background chatter.
As of today, that’s all changed, I now have intelligence from a private, trusted source that Jade Helm 15 is, indeed, connected to Planet X.
The Russian, Norwegian and Brazilian Governments have all made some efforts to inform their populace about the pending danger from Planet X. The USA has not, and will not. The extensive (and very expensive) underground cities Russia has built in the Ural Mountains, the several large “ghost cities” built by China far into the interior of their country make no sense whatsoever unless, or until, you factor in the violently rising ocean levels caused by Planet X.
The U.S. Government has decided to not reveal anything about Planet X and to maintain control until the very last moment. In my paper “No Need For Panic”, ( first written in the Fall of 2005, I stated that there would be some pretext to declare Martial Law. I’ve now made my paper a free download for all to read at my web site WWW.THELIBERTYMAN.COM
I made the point in 2005, and still believe, that the reason for Martial Law must be a pretext and have no connection to Planet X. The reason being people will “go along” with Martial Law due to race riots and/or an economic collapse and/or Islamic terrorist attacks as being reasonable and prudent. Telling people to do anything once they find out about the threat of Planet X simply will not work.
The three most likely scenarios for this pretext (as of May 2015) are a race war and/or an economic collapse, followed by Islamic Terrorist (i.e. ISIS) attacks. I would be remiss to not mention the clear and present danger posed by Russian and Chinese troops on U.S. soil and in nearby Mexican staging areas.
There is a lot of focus, by those of us in the alternative media, on the September/October time frame. While I have no crystal ball, I will advise all concerned persons to commence what they consider to be prudent preparations ASAP.
June 8, 2015 update:
Given the importance of this matter and wanting to exercise good standards of journalism, I elected to delay publishing this article prior to getting a second source reporting the same thing (that the Jade Helm 15 training exercise is Planet X related). Today, I am satisfied that I have that second source. While not my private source, I know and trust Steve Quayle who, today, published an article in his alerts section that the Jade Helm matter is, indeed, connected to Planet X. While the author of the alert does not specifically mention Planet X, he certainly implies as much. The author uses the pen name of Seal Man
If people can’t see the writing on the wall by now, they’ll never wake up. A military does not transport tons (TONS) of concertina wire, out in the open-not caring if it is seen, unless it is going to be used for something SOON. This wire is used for two things. Keeping enemies out (used to form military wire obstacles), or keeping prisoners in. The cost for transport, manpower to erect the wire and manufacturing far out way the cost for using the amount we are seeing transported for merely an exercise.
The U.S. military, and other U.S government agencies, are spending way too much time and money for training. Our country’s leaders are scared to death, they are preparing for something big. The speed at which everything is being conducted, prepositioning of assets/ assets relocated, signals to me that whatever has them scared-is just around the corner.
We have China building islands to preposition assets and conducting large scale exercises, and we have Russia in the Ukraine fighting against U.S. equipped and trained troops, and conducting unprecedented military exercise (largest in their country’s history). We have both China and Russia building their own banking systems (AIIB/BRICS) to conduct trade and invest money + they have developed their own money wiring swift system (CHIPS)-circumventing what has always been used.
The Middle Eastern GCC countries are now forming a stronger military alliance so they can effectively operate jointly militarily together in the future, and they have been disusing limiting military weapons contracts with the U.S. They plan to purchase more hardware from their European allies. Why, because the U.S. will no longer be reliable, that’s right, we’ll be too busy dealing with chaos in our own country + weapons manufacturing will come to a complete halt, and they know it.
I believe the 500 days of climate chaos spoken about by the French Foreign Minister, with John Kerry standing at his side, has everything to do with all this. When the real chaos begins: super storms, quakes and volcanoes, the U.S will be at its weakest. Much of our military will be overseas, and if you are in the military, plan on being stuck overseas. All Emergency Response Assets: National Guard, FEMA, Red Cross, DHS and other agencies will be overwhelmed. And this is when the U.N will intervene, and all our enemies, from all corners of the earth, will begin their invasion.
The most disturbing part of all this: It has all been planned, we have all been sold out to the global government corporate enterprise. And in case anyone wants to know who is paving the way, who is in charge, who will light the way? All you have to do is tune into the Popes address to our U.S. Congress (first time in history) and his address to the U.N. a few days later – this coming September. He will be the calming voice, the voice of reason, who will begin the process of unifying everyone. If you are not concerned, you should start becoming concerned, because in order for this man’s message to have the correct impact: answers for despair, fear and desperation, things are going to have to be getting pretty bad.
And all this is the perfect example of: Order out of Chaos. This is your New World Order people. I’ll leave you with this, and let it sink in: In a Short Time, This Will Be a Long Time Ago.
I find it more than a little coincidental that the 500 day warning issued by the French Foreign Minister on May 14, 2014 (With U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry standing an arms length away) to prepare for/negate/deal with Climate Change takes us to September 24, 2015 (assuming I did my day count properly). On September 24, 2015 Pope Francis addresses (for the first time in our Republic’s history) a joint session of the U. S. Congress. The following day,September 25th, the Pope addresses the annual meeting of world leaders at the United Nations. Pope Francis will be only the forth Pope to set foot in the United Nations building in NY City.
While I’m reluctant to make a claim that things will get so bad in the next 90 days that Pope Francis will be courted as a solution to out-of-control chaos, I will concede that that possibility does exist.
Here is where I recommend reading another paper “An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario And It’s Implications for United States National Security” Published in October 2003, the paper was paid for the The United States Department of Defense. The two authors: Mr. Peter Schwartz and Mr. Doug Randall did their research by interviewing scientists, economists and military experts on the consequences of two possible future scenarios:
The Gulf Stream (North Atlantic Thermohalene Conveyor) slowing down dramatically
The Gulf Stream stopping.
These may be the 22 scariest pages of non-fiction you will ever read! I first read them in 2005. Once I learned from my interviewing Dr. Luigianni Zangari Ph.D. that the Gulf Stream did, in fact, stop on June 12, 2010, I re-read this paper. It took on a whole new level of importance and concern! Without stealing any thunder from this paper, you will find it prognosticating wars, drought, violent climate change and more!
In a follow-up to my interview wtih Dr. Zangari, I wrote an article titled “The Gulf Stream Has Stopped”. It’s not terribly long but should be sufficient to make the point, and convince the reader, that one does not to anguish over ‘When will Planet X start affecting our planet”? as it already is and has been since June 2010. The complete article is here. as well as being a free download at my web site.
My next recommendation: Look at the next several months (between now and November 1, 2015) as your own, personal, training exercise. If your plan is to do nothing, quite simply you’re planning to fail. If you believe that loading the wife, your children into the mini-van with your camping supplies to head for the the nearest National Forest is a plan, I wish you the best of luck! I advocate prudent preparations. That will be different things for different people.
While I do publicly advocate establishing a Hobby Farm as the highest and best long-term solution, I understand that each family will have their own wants, needs, desires, time. skills and money. I respect your personal plan, whatever that may be. Just be sure to have a viable plan!
No, you’re not going to set up a viable Hobby Farm in the next three months. That takes years. You could, however, locate and establish a safe haven. A place of safety and security where shelter, food, water and everything one needs to survive will not be an issue. A place where you and your loved ones can defend against brigands and common criminals. That’s your marching orders, that’s your personal training exercise.
In the meantime, I will continue to be the watchman on the wall. doing my daily radio show on the Republic Broadcasting Network and my public speaking engagements.
May God Bless You, May God Bless the United States of America.
By: John Moore
Once and for all, if that time passes and there is no Planet X, will everyone promise to let it go? Enough already!