Mar 20

More Than Just Surviving

When discussing survival, we often gravitate towards the bad-ass, like which knife to carry or the fashionably practical question of which tactical backpack is best. It’s fun, it’s interesting, no issues with that – so long as we aren’t completely ignoring … Continue reading

Mar 20

We Are Being Killed On Trade – Rapidly Declining Exports Signal A Death Blow For The U.S. Economy

Exports fell precipitously during the last two recessions, and now it is happening again.  So how in the world can anyone make the claim that the U.S. economy is in good shape?  On my website I have been repeatedly pointing … Continue reading

Mar 20

Credit Card Debt Saddles Americans Who “Continue the Same Horrendous Financial Mistakes”

Illustration by David Dees. This article was written by Michael Snyder and originally published at the Economic Collapse blog. Editor’s Comment: This continuing reality is just one more key factor in what keeps threatening to be the perfect storm … Continue reading

Mar 20

Going “Green” Instead of Being A “Prepper”

The “green” movement can cover a lot of our preparedness interests and purchasing habits, providing a degree of OpSec and cover for us. Conservationist and environmentalist are commonly bad words in some preparedness folds, but as a professional greenie myself … Continue reading

Mar 14

Store Veggies For Long Term Survival

You cannot imagine how comforting it is to have fresh produce in hard times. But sometimes your garden just isn’t ready when you need it, or your availability to fresh produce isn’t ideal.  The thing is this though: fresh produce isn’t meant to stay fresh for … Continue reading

Mar 09

This Is the One Global Disaster That Most People Aren’t Aware Of

In general, preppers have a pretty well-rounded awareness of all the ways our communication systems can break down. If anything, the failure to communicate with modern technology is at the root of any serious disaster, including solar storms, nuclear war, … Continue reading