Obama says Republicans share some blame for health-care law’s failures
How to Survive Without Water
Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people
Why Are So Many Wealthy People Building Futuristic High Tech Security Bunkers?
The wealthy are spending more to protect themselves from all the rest of us than ever before. So why are they so concerned about the future? Do they know something that the rest of us don’t? Or do they just … Continue reading
Growing Energy on the Farm: Biomass and Agriculture
Tripling U.S. use of biomass for energy could provide as much as $20 billion in new income for farmers and rural communities and reduce global warming emissions by the same amount as taking 70 million cars off the road.Many farmers … Continue reading
6 Unhealthy Fish You Should Avoid
40 Ways That China Is Beating America
China is wiping the floor with the United States on the global economic stage, and most Americans are so clueless that they have absolutely no idea what is happening. The number one global economic superpower is in an advanced state … Continue reading
29 Amazing Stats Which Prove That The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Are Getting Poorer
In the United States today, there is one group of people that is actually living the American Dream. The ultra-wealthy have seen their incomes absolutely explode over the past three decades.
Obama’s Secret Treaty Which Will Merge America More Deeply Into The Emerging One World Economic System
Did you know that the Obama administration is negotiating a super secret “trade agreement” that is so sensitive that he isn’t even allowing members of Congress to see it? The Trans-Pacific Partnership is being called the “NAFTA of the Pacific” … Continue reading
Peres: Obama Will Attack Iran if Diplomacy Fails
President Shimon Peres said that he believes that U.S. President Barack Obama will attack Iran’s nuclear facilities if diplomatic efforts fail. “I have no doubt that if diplomatic talks fail with Iran and Tehran doesn’t stop accelerating its nuclear development … Continue reading
Obama to GOP: We’re not going to repeal Obamacare
WASHINGTON — After spending much of the last two months on the defensive as a result of the rocky roll out of his health care law, President Obama on Tuesday began a pre-holiday campaign to boost enrollment now that the … Continue reading
“I Fear For What’s Coming” – 68 Percent Of Americans Believe The Country Is On The Wrong Track
Are you deeply concerned about the future of America? Is something in your gut telling you that our system is fundamentally broken and that the mainstream media is not telling you the truth about what is happening? If so, you … Continue reading