Jan 03

Build a $300 underground greenhouse for year-round gardening

Growers in colder climates often utilize various approaches to extend the growing season or to give their crops a boost, whether it’s coldframes, hoop houses or greenhouses. Greenhouses are usually glazed structures, but are typically expensive to construct and heat … Continue reading

Dec 15

Build Your Own Homemade Electricity Generator – Do it yourself and Save!

Why Make Your Own Electricity Let’s just say for the sake of discussion, you decide to investigate the feasibility of installing your own home energy power source. There are many different factors to consider regarding making your own electricity. Government … Continue reading

Dec 12

Surviving the Coming Economic Collapse

                    Nuclear warfare is not necessary to cause a breakdown of our society. You take a large city like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago — their water supply comes from hundreds of miles away and any interruption of that, or … Continue reading