Sep 09

Extract A Drinking Water Supply From Your House During Disaster

Water is a high priority commodity during a time of disaster. There are things that you can do in your home immediately before a potential or impending disaster (e.g. hurricane, tornado), or right afterwards (e.g major earthquake) to ensure an … Continue reading

Aug 30

Here’s What Movies Forget to Mention About What Happens After Society Collapses

Post-apocalyptic movies are popular for a reason. We live in a world that is brimming with long lines, bills, traffic jams, bureaucracy, and stressful jobs. So even though we intuitively understand that living in an apocalyptic hellscape would be an … Continue reading

Aug 25

Security And Survival When The Power Grid Collapses

Recently Off The Grid News has presented a series of articles on an alternative strategy for long-term survival if the power grid goes down society ends as we know it — returning to a 19th century lifestyle. (Read those articles … Continue reading

Aug 23

What to Pack in a Household Emergency Bug out Bag

You wake from a deep sleep to a screeching sound in the hallway. The smoke alarm is going off. You have just seconds to mentally understand what is happening, crawl out of bed, gather your family and head out the … Continue reading

Aug 19

How to use Sandbags To Stop Water or Bullets

Sandbags have been used for a long time to keep us safe in dangerous situations. Safe from rising flood-waters and from incoming rounds in combat. I started thinking about sandbags in terms of home security and the dual purpose they … Continue reading

Aug 07

What Are You Prepared to Do When Your Family Is Hungry?

Food is one thing that virtually everyone can agree you need to have because we have all, to some extent in our lives, known the feeling of being hungry. Yes, the seriousness of the actual hunger is probably very relative … Continue reading

Aug 07

The Golden Hour: What to Do in the First 60 Minutes of SHTF

Many people are convinced that civilization as we know it will collapse or, at best, experience a prolonged interruption. Very few of those people are actually planning for it and even less are preparing for it in advance. For those … Continue reading

Aug 07

8 Reasons Why Prepping Is Good for You

Many people are scared that all of their efforts towards prepping would be futile if TEOTWAWKI never actually comes. The problem with this parochial view is that they never take into account the high possibilities of disasters such as floods, … Continue reading

Aug 07

The Best Survival Foods: Non-Perishables That Can Outlive You

Whether you’re sick of throwing out food that’s long past its expiry date, or are working on preparing a food stockpile in case of an emergency, consumables that practically never spoil can be a huge asset to your household. This article … Continue reading