The Poor Man Prepper

I am so sick and tired of a large majority of these stories always talking about all these real nice things people have for Bugging out. Oh look at our All terrain 4X4 Super Duty Extended Cab 8ft bed Jacked … Continue reading
I am so sick and tired of a large majority of these stories always talking about all these real nice things people have for Bugging out. Oh look at our All terrain 4X4 Super Duty Extended Cab 8ft bed Jacked … Continue reading
I’m always surprised, and often more than a little disturbed, when I hear folks say that when SHTF occurs, they’ll just go hunting, or they’ll trade for the food they need, or they’ve got a few boxes of MRE’s, so … Continue reading
I know I won’t ever get used to the smell of perspiration odor. There is no use in stockpiling anti-antiperspirants and deodorants—they lose their effectiveness in as little as three months in storage. Go to this wonderful web site and … Continue reading
This article was written by Paul Joseph Watson and originally published at Editor’s Comment: Our U.S. media teaches us to prepare for hurricanes, floods and brief power outages, and perhaps for a few other situations, but by and large, … Continue reading
If I were to ask how many of you store liquid bleach along with your other prepping supplies, I am certain that a good percentage of you would raise your hands. Liquid bleach is a powerful disinfectant and sanitizer but … Continue reading
There is a whole industry that has grown up around the prepping and survival community. This industry is working overtime to provide everything from pre-packaged meals to the latest survival knife. And while I appreciate their efforts in providing everything … Continue reading
As one really delves into the 10 Principles of Preparedness, it will become apparent that regardless of the need for prioritization of the various principles they are all inseparable and necessarily make an impact on each other. For example, Mental … Continue reading
Exactly 1 month ago, I received a question from a reader of Survival Pulse’s daily news asking for urgent advice. Unfortunately, when I sent an email back to the address written into the contact form, the email bounced, and so … Continue reading
While the mainstream media propagandists continue to push the lie of a robust recovering economy, the fact is, we are in some serious fiscal trouble. Economies around the world are crashing, countries are drowning in record amounts of debt, and … Continue reading
For those who consider themselves to be a ‘prepper’, or ‘preparedness-minded’, or whatever title you would like to assign, was there a time in your life when you had that ‘ah-ha’ moment or when your mindset changed to start preparing … Continue reading
Oven Canning Dried Goods For Long Term Storage Dried goods make great emergency food if stored properly. But it’s no fun opening a box of pancake mix to find meal worms making a meal of your precious food (unless you … Continue reading
So often when considering long term storage of food for survival preparedness, people think of bulk rice & dried beans, buckets of wheat berries, and other such dry goods. Another additional consideration should be ordinary ‘canned food’ from your local … Continue reading
Here’s something to think about… For those of you who are stocking up with extra food, or for those who have already stocked up with extra food in preparation for a time of hard societal collapse with distribution failures and … Continue reading