May 04

DOOMSDAY WARNING: World will end in the next SEVEN YEARS, warns terrifying prophecy

Floods, earthquakes and deadly plagues will finish all humanity and the civilised world as we know it. The horrifying forecast is being made by some Christian groups who predict the “Rapture” phenomenon will bring about a global Apocalypse before 2021. … Continue reading

May 04

What did you do for your preparedness this week? (2015-05-02)

The week is nearly past us, but it’s not too late to do something for your own preparedness. We’re living in an uncertain world in uncharted waters. For the astute, there’s realization that those waters are dotted with icebergs. Will … Continue reading

May 04

Looking To Move To Another State? Check This Map First…

image source: The map of states shown above indicate the top Google search words coming from each individual state on the internet, which may (does) reveal ‘something’ about the very general mindset or interests of the people living there. … Continue reading

Apr 30

Cover the Basics: 8 Prepper Tools to Get You Through a Disaster

Many of us made the stark realization of just how dependent we are on our modern conveniences quickly following a disaster. It seems that only when the lights go out and the stove won’t turn on, or the air conditioner … Continue reading

Apr 30

Why the Government is so Afraid of the Self-Reliant

I’m sure many of you remember when armed “nuisance abatement teams” from Los Angeles County, descended upon the independent minded folks who were living in the desert outskirts of the city. For the “crime” of living off the grid and … Continue reading

Apr 28

Flat Broke, Living In A Moldy Basement And Relying On Food Stamps And Medicaid

Could you imagine being a single parent and trying to survive in America today on $10.50 an hour?  For a moment, I want you to imagine that you are living in a moldy apartment that is so badly maintained that … Continue reading

Apr 27

5 Simple Steps To Self-Sufficiency This Year

In a world of increasing instability, the world of self-sustainable living starts to look less like something out of an M. Night Shyamalan movie and more like something every person can and should be striving for. Now, don’t worry. This … Continue reading

Apr 26

Lights Off: How The World Could Change In 7 Days

You might be thinking, hey, I’ve got this one covered! I’ve survived lots of power outages. If that is your thought process, you could not be more wrong. Anyone who considers, even for a moment, how interconnected and interdependent our … Continue reading

Apr 23

Examples Of Finding Use For Your Preps Even Though TEOTWAWKI Has Not Happened

There are some who prepare for TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) with the full expectation that it will happen – that one day they will be able to pull out all their preps and implement … Continue reading