Jul 08

Privacy Apocalypse On Going: “We Know Where You Live!”

Most of the preppers were thinking they finally are getting a leg up on being ready for the imminent concerns with our dangerously fragile economy, and everything else. But the incredibly grim news is that all the preparation will mean … Continue reading

Jul 08

Watch And Learn What An Economic Collapse Looks Like: “I Hope You’re Taking Notes”

The following article has been contributed by the ever insightful and always informative Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper. Daisy is the author of several books, including her latest The Pantry Primer: A Prepper’s Guide to Whole Food on a … Continue reading

Jul 07

Surviving Underground: Planting Your Own Secret Underground Garden

With the worsening economy, coupled with the changing climate, it is very difficult to keep a family alive. Also, the looming danger of terrorism and the collapse of government, will give anyone a nightmare. I, for one, will not be … Continue reading

Jul 07

14 Survival Tools for Your Bug Out Bag

Most people new to the survival and prepping community often face one of two challenges in building their first bug out bag; they either try to pack far too much equipment and end up with a bag they can’t carry, … Continue reading

Jul 07

37 Awesome Survival/Prepping Hacks

Many people think that if they just have this one tool, or the right gun, or a super-secret hide out, they can survive anything. They are wrong. The thing about survival, whether it means walking 100 miles through the Amazon … Continue reading

Jul 07

Extreme Survival: Are Your Off-Grid Survival Skills Good Enough?

also with content from David M. The will to survive is encoded in our genetic structure. When you’re faced with a situation where you must catch what food you can to stay alive, where you must rely on the elements … Continue reading

Jul 04

After the Freeze Dried Food is Gone

What happens when you have eaten through all your supplies of dehydrated, canned, and stored food?  Even the most optimistic among us should not begin eating on your stores of food without giving a thought as to what comes next. … Continue reading

Jun 22

Become Your Own SHTF Weatherman

Back before television and radio, cultures throughout the world predicted the weather by watching the signs nature gave them. Plants, insects, animals, and the heavenly bodies all give hints as to what we can expect for the forecast, if only … Continue reading