Sep 10

“Fed Risks Triggering Panic and Turmoil”: World Bank Warns Against Raising Rates

Could things crumble and crash over a simple rate hike? Many experts say they could, and well, things aren’t so simple after all. With all things being equal, and with respect to the status quo of the powers that be, … Continue reading

Sep 08

100 Items that will disappear first in a SHTF Situation (Revised and Updated)

I’m sure at this point everyone has seen this list, it has circulated all over the internet for years now. I don’t agree with the original list, so I am updating the list based on information from actual events such … Continue reading

Sep 08

Most Americans Will Be Financially Devastated By the Upcoming Economic Collapse

The overwhelming majority of Americans have no idea how our economy works and will be totally wiped out when the economic storm strikes again, which is inevitable.  Our financial system is extremely vulnerable and people are just unprepared for things … Continue reading

Sep 07

We Have Already Witnessed The First 1300 Points Of The Stock Market Crash Of 2015

What has been happening on Wall Street the past few days has been nothing short of stunning.  On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 358 points.  It was the largest single day decline in a year and a half, … Continue reading

Sep 06

Stock Market Crash 2015: The Dow Has Already Plummeted 2200 Points From The Peak

Those that watched their stocks steadily increase in value for years are now seeing all of that “wealth” disappear at a staggering pace.  The only way you actually make money in the stock market is if you get out in … Continue reading

Sep 03

Warning: Do You Recognize these Five Common Piles of Prepper BS

The golden horde The golden horde theory has been portrayed for years by survival authors, bloggers and fiction writers, but will the golden horde of hopeless refugees swarm like hundreds of thousands of locust from the cities to the countryside after an … Continue reading