Set the stage:
The $hit has hit the fan. The dollar has collapsed and is now worth half what it was just 6 months ago. The reasons for the collapse are not relevant any more. Most people don’t understand why it happened, and are now truly in dire straights. They are just trying to survive.
The DOW has collapsed to 5,000, gold is now $5,000 an ounce, unemployment has soared to 35%, and those that are still working are sinking fast while food and energy prices skyrocket. Nearly all investments have gone bust.
Most people are in despair having lost most of the value in their 401K retirement plans. The crash of 2008 was miniscule in comparison to what has just happened…
Most major cities have fallen into social chaos. There aren’t enough police to hold back the rioting and roving gangs of desperate humans – many of whom were just ordinary blue collar working folks just 6 months ago. Now they are congregating in numbers in search of food, fuel, and supplies – just to stay alive and survive. The government has been unable to help them. Many of the LEO’s within these large population centers are not showing up for work, being more concerned to secure their own families safety at home.
The government in a desperate attempt to thwart off the desperately raging populace has begun rationing food supplies and are attempting to re-establish food supply distribution channels (most drivers have stopped hauling due to extraordinary fuel prices and the risk of being attacked for their haul). What supply chains remain into the city regions, are being attacked by organized groups and gangs, while the supplies themselves mostly do not make it to their destination.
You live within the urban sprawl of a major city region, and although not located within city limits, you are surrounded by many thousands of others who themselves are hurting badly while trying to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads.
Burglary is now rampant, even during the daytime. Groups of 5 or more will surge their way through a neighborhood and break through homes mostly without resistance, while residents fear for their lives and freely give up what supplies that they have in fear of their lives.
As the various groups of thugs and gangs slice their way through the chaos and desperation, they organize and grow in numbers to larger and more sophisticated forces. The government has underestimated the threshold at which desperate people will do what they must to get what they need. It is out of control.
You are caught in an unimaginable horror. A horror not even conceivable in your mind just 6 months ago.
Does this sound like a scenario that could only come from a novel?
Do you think it is ridiculous to consider something like this actually occurring where you live?
Think again.
It is human nature to be set in our ways and to assume that things will remain as they were, at least within some reasonable variation. It’s called normalcy bias. Most of us suffer from it to one degree or another.
While it is true that often (most) times ‘things’ (your life) remain in a similar state of being (more or less), there are also times when abrupt change will occur after having reached a tipping point or threshold of some kind. If caught unaware or unprepared, these abrupt changes can hit you like a freight train.
Many people know in their gut that the economic (debt) situation within the United States (and most of the developed world) is teetering at their limits of debt service, having borrowed extraordinary gargantuan sums of ‘money’ to keep their systems going. Despite what we hear from the mainstream (that all is well in the economy), we are definitely at risk for some economic shock hardships beyond which we’ve ever experienced in our lives. There are extraordinarily large bubbles out there waiting to burst…
Things may not come to this extent (scenario described above), but then again, they might. Are you the type of person to stick your head in the sand? Or are you the type of person to take precautions and learn to adapt to a potentially extreme situation.
This article offers no solutions, but instead is purposed with the hope of having you consider that things ‘could’ change, and change for the worse. Much worse.
When the crew of Apollo 13 said, ‘Houston, we have a problem’, they ultimately overcame their desperate situation. The question is, is it too late for us?
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