Do You Feel The Urgency To Top Off Your Food Storage And Preps?

urgencyI’m not sure if it’s because I spend a fair amount of time each day reading alt-news (news other than the ‘mainstream media’), but lately I have had the gut feeling to urgently prepare even more. The thing is, I feel like I’m already quite well prepared, however I’m getting the feeling to do even more… and to do it quickly.

Do any of you have this sense of urgency lately? And why do think that is?

The title of this article includes the word “Urgency”. I definitely feel the urgency. And then there is the phrase to “top off”. To top off? One wonders how much is enough to feel as though you have enough? Surely that depends on what we’re talking about. In this case, lets say ‘food storage’ (but that’s just one of many categories that I feel urgent about).

When I look at my own long-term food storage, I know that I have lots, and I feel pretty good about it. When you wonder whether or not you should acquire even more, if you already have enough food storage for your ‘comfort zone’ it may seem like you don’t really need to acquire more. However there are several logical reasons why you can’t go wrong acquiring even more…

1. The prices of food will not be going lower in the future, so by acquiring more now you will be saving money into the future. A good investment while exchanging ‘paper’ fiat dollars into a very important tangible asset.

2. If stored properly, and while using good food rotation practices, the food will not be wasted – even if there is no ‘collapse’ condition in our future.

3. Having more food will always buy you more survival time. That’s a good thing.

4. More food on hand will enable the possibility to feed others. Others who may be able to help fortify survival.

5. Your food storage and the caloric content thereof may not be as much as you think – so having more will bolster your deep pantry in calories and nutritional content. Variety is the spice of life – so use this same principle in your food storage.
Okay, back to the word, urgency.

I cannot ever remember a time in my life when there has been so much risk at once in the world. And it’s all building while barely being held together by propaganda, false perceptions, manipulation and control by the-powers-that-be. With the election coming up and ‘globalism’ on the line, the globalists can not and will not allow their power to be taken away. There are just a few weeks remaining and one wonders what ‘they’ will do…

I will turn this conversation over to you.
Do any of you have this sense of urgency lately? And why do think that is?

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