Feb 22

Affordable Ways To Stock Up On Survival Food And Supplies For Only $2.50 A Day!

As the continued warning signs of a collapse unfold, more and more people are waking up to the realization that NOW is the time to prepare. Unfortunately, a lot of the survival gear and supplies people need can seem overly … Continue reading

Jan 30

Why It’s The Perfect Time To Try A Local And Organic Diet

Health seems to be on a general decrease in North America. Each year we’re swarmed by statistics of the high obesity rates, increasing incidents of high cholesterol, and poor cardiovascular health. But what on earth is going wrong? As the … Continue reading

Jan 15

Curing Meat By Dry Salting Or With A Salt Brine

Using salt for preserving (curing) meat has been a big part of food preservation seemingly forever and the technique is still used today. Dry salting or using a salt brine would be one way to preserve meat while living in … Continue reading

Jan 15

Panic Buying At Grocery Stores And Devastating Food Shortages

One of the most difficult things for people to do is to anticipate change. For the most part, we see the future based on the way things are today coupled with how they’ve ‘always been’ relating to our own sphere … Continue reading

Jan 14

6 Supplies to Stock with Food Storage

One of the first things most preppers begin stocking is an emergency food supply. This is great, but it’s only part of the picture. Canned and freeze-dried food is more than adequate for a short-term disaster, but when it lasts several … Continue reading

Jan 06

7 Remarkable Vegetables You Can Regrow From Simple Table Scraps

If you have ever wondered how you could cut your grocery bill while cutting back on food scraps, here is an idea for you and the whole family. Why not regrow your vegetables? That’s right, you can regrow many favorite … Continue reading