A hundred years ago 70% of all medicines were made from plants.
Most of them are still being used today, but only a few people truly know about them.
The Pharmaceutical Industry almost made this knowledge obsolete. But in my opinion this knowledge should not be lost. We might need it when things go really bad. So please feel free to share or print this article (or the map) and put it in your bug-out-bag or your SHTF survival kit.
The map was printed in 1932 and it was commonly used by pharmacists who were making “vegetable drugs”. The plants shown on this map grow natively or were cultivated in the United States. This map depicts one or two important species that grew in each state, but not exclusively in that particular state… more like in that area or region.
Back then, most pharmacists relied almost entirely on their “back yard pharmacy”.
Make no mistake thinking that this information will completely replace antibiotics. Of course you can treat common diseases, wounds, etc … but you should also store some antibiotics for really, really bad situations. (Read more: The Only 4 Antibiotics You’ll Need when SHTF)
Medicinal plants as they appear on map, by state:
1. Digitalis Purpurea (Foxglove or Lady’s Glove)
“Cultivated and naturalized in the U.S. The dried leaves constitute the drug Digitalis or Foxglove.”
Digitalis causes a rise in Sodium and in Calcium, which causes the heart to beat stronger and with a more regular rhythm. It is used particularly for the irregular (and often fast) atrial fibrillation. (Source)
Digitalis is often prescribed (nowadays) for patients diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Digitalis was approved for heart failure in 1998 under current regulations by the FDA on the basis of prospective, randomized study and clinical trials. The drug is called digoxin.
Be careful: eating more dried leaves of Foxglove than necessary can be poisonous, due to an excess of the same substance that heals you. An overdose will induce nausea and vomiting within minutes of ingestion, preventing the patient from consuming more. All this information is meant to serve as an advice only when SHTF. If you want to take the “plant drug” now, go to a doctor first to prescribe you the dosages.
2. Hydrastis Canadensis(Goldenseal, Orangeroot or Yellow Puccoon)
“Native of Eastern US and Canada. The dried rhizome and roots constitute the drug Hydrastis or Golden Seal.”
Goldenseal became so popular in the mid-nineteenth century that by 1932, that the herb almost became extinct in the US.
Its influence upon the mucous surfaces renders it the most important natural cure in catarrhal gastritis and gastric ulceration. It supersedes all known remedies as a local, and also as a constitutional tonic when this condition is present. (Source)
Goldenseal has an affinity for mucosa, and is cooling so should not be used if an infection is at an early stage or there are more chills than fever. Avoid Goldenseal during pregnancy, avoid overdoses!
3. Dryopteris Filix-mas (Male Fern)
“Native of North Europe, Asia and Northern North America. The rhizome and leaf bases constitute the drug Aspidium or Male Fern.”
Male fern contains chemicals which kill intestinal worms such as tapeworms. Once the worms have been killed, saltwater (saline) is taken to flush them from the body.
Intestinal tapeworm infections usually aren’t complicated, although they cause deaths in the US even with proper medical care. For example, Cysticercosis – a parasitic infection caused by the larval form of the pork tapeworm, who migrated to the brain, spine, eye, etc – can be deadly! And in times of crisis, it is deadly!
Related: This Bug Will Kill Most of the Americans during the Next Crisis. Must see ! (Video)
The downside is that Male Fern is unsafe. It is a poison. You take a normal dosage and the worms die. You take too much… and you’ll have serious problems. The appropriate dose of male fern depends on several factors such as the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. Consult your pharmacist or physician or before using.
4. Hyoscyamus Niger (Henbane or Stinking Nightshade)
“Native of Europe, Westrn Asia and Northern Africa. Naturalized and cultivated in Northern US and Canada. The dried leaves constitute the drug Hyoscyamus.”
Henbane contains chemicals, which might relax the muscles lining the digestive tract. Henbane also relieves muscle tremors and have a calming effect. Mainly, Henbane dried leafs were used to treat spasms of the digestive tract.
Some people apply henbane leaf oil directly to the skin for treating scar tissue.
Since henbane is toxic, the dose must be carefully chosen and side effects checked by a healthcare professional.
5. Punica Granatum (Pomegranate)
“Native of Northern India and cultivated in Sub-tropical regions. The dried bark constitutes the drug Granatum or Pomegranate Bark”.
Pomegranates are not only a delicious food, but every part of the tree has medicinal properties.
The bark and root of the tree contain powerful chemicals, that when prepared into a decoction, will safely kill intestinal parasites. It also effectively treats dysentery and it is one of the most powerful treatments for tuberculosis.
The fruit is considered a SUPERFOOD, as it is highly nutritious, with vitamin C, A, B2, phosphorous, and quite a few others, and has antioxidant properties. Russians used it after the Chernobyl incident to decrease the symptoms of radioactivity.
Related: How To Make Pemmican – The Ultimate Survival Superfood
6. Gossypium Barbadense (Sea Island Cotton)
“Native of Asia and Africa, but cultivated in Tropical and Sub-tropical countries. The hairs of the seed constitute purified cotton. The bark of the root constitutes the drug Cottonroot Bark”.
Sea Island cotton is considered one of the highest grade cottons for fabrics. Its leaves and seeds have also been used medicinally since the time of slavery.
Female slaves used the leaves to induce abortion and regulate menstruation. The seeds were eaten as a form of birth control. Women would rub the oil of the seeds on their breasts to induce milk production.
Extract of the flowers is used by herbalists to treat ear infections.
North Dakota
7. Linum Usitatissimum (Common Flax or Linseed)
“Cultivated in Temperate and Tropical Regions. The dried ripe seed constitute Linseed or Flaxseed.”
The seeds have been used in traditional medicine internally (directly soaked or as tea) and externally (as compresses or oil extracts) for treatment of disorders of the respiratory tract, eyes, infections, cold, flu or fever.
Linseed oil is obtained from the dried ripe seeds of Flaxis by pressing, followed by a stage of extraction. Cold-pressed oil obtained without solvent extraction is marketed as flaxseed oil.
8. Dioscorea Villosa (Wild Yam)
“Native of Easter and Central US. The dried rhizome constitutes the drug Dioscorea or Colic Root.”
Today components of wild yam are chemically manufactured into the hormones progesterone or estrogen.
So it is easy to understand why is often promoted as a “natural alternative” to estrogen therapy for vaginal dryness in older women, PMS, menstrual cramps, osteoporosis or increasing energy and sexual drive in men and women, and even breast enlargement.
9. Cypripedium Pubescens (Large Yellow Lady Slipper)
“Native of Easter and Central US and Canada. The dried rhizome and roots constitute the drug Cypripedium or Lady’s Slipper.”
The Cypripediums are rare and endangered orchids.
All of the species of Cypripedium resemble valerian in their effects. They are excellent nerve stimulants for weak women and nervous children. They are nevertheless important medicines, being of that type of drugs which silently do great good without marked physiological disturbance.
It dispels gloom and induces a calm and cheerful state of mind, and by thus inducing mental tranquility favors restful sleep. (Source) In a crisis situation, you may not be able to rest or sleep because of the stress. This could lead to accumulated fatigue which leads to “unawareness” and wrong decisions. Make sure you won’t make these fatal mistakes in a crisis !!! (Preparedness Guide – Video)
10. Aralia Racemosa (American Spikenard, Life-of-man, Petty Morel)
“Native of Eastern US and Canada. The rhizome and roots constitute the drug Aralia or Spikenard.”
Spikenard has been used as a healing plant from ancient times. Even the Bible contains several references to the spikenard. In Catholic iconography it represents Saint Joseph. (Related: The Most Important Prophecy Encrypted Inside Our Holy Bible – Video)
Spikenard is antiseptic, depurative, diaphoretic, which makes it useful in a wide range of conditions including gout, rheumatism, coughs and lung complaints.
Spikenard root tea is a traditional American folk medicine treatment and a purifying spring tonic. It is also considered healing to the skin. (Source)
11. Polygala Senega (Seneca Snakeroot, Senegaroot or Rattlesnake Root)
“Native of N. Central and Eastern US and Canada. The dried root constitutes the drug Senega or Snakeroot.
The species name honors the Seneca people, a Native American group who used the plant to treat snakebites. (Source)
This plant had many uses among Native Americans. Some used it to treat common colds, bleeding wounds or toothaches.
Today, the plant is still in use as a herbal remedy for a wide range of respiratory complains. It is also added to cough syrups, teas, lozenges, and gargles. (Source) It is one of the best natural expectorants: Senega causes a decrease in the viscosity (of secretions), giving a productive cough (or what today’s drug Mucinex does).
12. Mentha Spicata (Spearmint, Garden Mint )
“Originally from Europe, it has been naturalized and cultivated in the US. The dried leaves and tops constitute the drug Spearmint.”
Spearmint tea reduces the level of free testosterone in the blood, so it is mostly indicated for women. It can also treat a variety of digestive ailments.
Spearmint’s essential oil was found to be a pretty effective anti-fungal and antioxidant.
The herb is also very rich in minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, iron (a lot), and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
13. Mentha Piperita (Peppermint)
“Originally from Europe, it has been naturalized and cultivated in the US. The dried leaves and tops constitute the drug Peppermint.”
Peppermint is a cross between watermint and spearmint (a hybrid). Peppermint has the highest menthol content (8 times more than Spearmint).
Menthol stimulates the cold-perceiving nerves so just after taking it a current of air at the ordinary temperature seems cold. Useful in gastrodynia and flatulent cold.
For cramps try boiling peppermint leaves in hot milk. Take a quick whiff of peppermint oil for nausea.
14. Ulmus Fulva (Slippery Elm)
“Native of North Eastern and North Central US and Canada. The Dried Inner Bark constitutes the drug Ulmus or Slippery-Elm Bark”.
The inner bark of the slippery elm tree is a commonly used herbal remedy. It can reduce the inflammation, stomach pain, and bloating that’s associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It also gently loosens the bowels and alleviates constipation.
Slippery elm bark mucilage (the substance that oozes from the bark when mixed with water) has a soothing and coating effect on mucous membranes. It can be used as a healing salve for boils, burns, and any skin inflammation.
The bark can be ground, made into porridge, and eaten, which is beneficial because it’s nutritious and an antioxidant. During food crisis this was one of the most common foods. Read More: Ingenious Foods People Made During Famines
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