3 Bug-Out Survival Plan Tips For The Elderly And Immobile


Let’s face the facts…

Most bug-out plans are designed for the young and agile, aren’t they?

They assume that everone will just be able to throw half their house on their back and head off into the urban jungle to escape the chaos.

But what if you’re … um… “older”… can’t stand or walk for long periods… or just can’t see yourself scaling walls, carrying a giant bug-out bag, and dodging armored vehicles like Jack Bauer?

Here Are 3 Bug-Out Survival Tips For The Elderly And The Immobile During A Disaster

The following three tips can be helpful when preparing a disaster plan for the elderly, injured (or sick), an infant, or other persons with limited mobility:

1. Be Realistic About Bugging Out

Are you and your loved ones unable to move over long distances?

If so, shelter-in-place may be your only option if mobility is a real problem.

This forces you to really put a lot more focus into fortifying your home against not only storms, but also the aftermath of them.

Stock up heavily on food and water… have plywood, hammer and nails stashed in your garage to board up against high winds and rain… and jack up your home security (including keeping your guns and ammo dry and “at the ready” against possible looting.

2. Be The First To Go

When you have no other choice but to get out of Dodge, you need to be in that first wave of evacuees.

Your best means of transportation will always be your vehicle.

However… when TSHTF, everyone around you will have the same idea.

In no time flat, highways, bridges, tunnels, and even train routes will bottleneck and become impassable.

The first to move have the advantage when bugging out and you need to be able to evacuate your family in 5 minutes or less when it’s “go-time”!

3. Lighten The Load

When it comes to your evacuation kit, don’t go overboard.

Most evacuation “bug-out bag” lists include a bunch of useless crap and are way too heavy.

Even the 52 “go-bag” items I pack in my personal bug-out bag can be skimmed down for those who can’t carry up to 35 lbs for a distance (mine is 32 lbs)

You need to keep things ultra-light in case you need to go on foot for any stretch of your evacuation.



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