Evaluating survival readiness takes more than just 13 questions. However these thirteen skills to learn in the areas of food, water, shelter, protection and communication will form a solid foundation of preparation and readiness.
1. Finding Food: The ability to locate wild game is essential for survival. This includes understanding habitats, wind direction and animal behavior.
2. Preparing Food: There’s no need to cook a grasshopper but for other sources of protein, proper field dressing and cooking is needed to prevent disease and sickness.
3. Agriculture: Hunting won’t always be a viable option so you’ll need to know which crops you can grow, preferably without or with little irrigation, such as corn.
4. Food Storage: As the graphic displays, 53 percent of surveyed adults don’t have a minimum three-day supply of nonperishable food and water. Those without food storage will quickly find themselves in a dire situation.
5. Finding Water: Water collecting contraptions can not only save you in the wilderness but will also work to replenish your water supply.
6. Purifying Water: There are plenty of ways to purify water, a common method (displayed) is a water filter made from pebbles, sand, cloth and charcoal.
7. Water Storage: The most important thing to remember about water collecting, purifying and storage is that you’ll only last 100 hours in average temperatures without water. An obvious survival priority.
8. Bug Out Ready: The effectiveness of bugging out is debated. However, it’s important to have a shelter that can withstand collapse.
9. Shelter Building: From round lodges to tarp shelters, shelter construction will protect you from the elements, preserving your energy and mental awareness.
10. Marksmanship: Accurately firing a weapon will help you take down food and can help you defend yourself and family. Being skilled with crossbows, compound bows and other weapons is a plus.
11. Weapon Maintenance: Cleaning the firearm thoroughly and frequently is important. And weapons like AR-15 rifles can be customized with different parts and accessories for hunting and protection purposes in survival situations.
12. Communication Methods: Cellphones could quickly become void in a survival situation. Understand technology and certain radios that will work under any condition.
13. Group Cohesion: The jerk test. Coexisting with others is the only way to survive for an extended duration.
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